M has been busy

M is definitely a doer. She wants to be doing something all the time. I have gotten a bit of my energy back, and have started some things with her, but I think she expects me to play catch-up and make all the things we have missed out on! I reckon one project a day is good enough, and any others she can do on her own, or con somebody else into!

I got a craft book from the library, and she wants to do everything in it. We have managed to make some chocolate and vanilla shortbread swirls. Of, course it did take us 2 days to get around to it because we were so busy doing other things. And I promised her we would get them made on Friday, which she reminded me of at 9:30 pm! We had just sat down with R and C to watch Tommy, because I believe 70's rock opera to be an important part of their musical education. At least I got to watch the 2nd half, with a nice cup of tea and a shortbread swirl. :-)

She is also doing some experiments with her dad. Water density, semi permeable membranes, etc. Eggs play a significant part in these.

And using her creativity to dress up like a Pokemon she has made up for a Pokemon birthday party. She was Achoo, a snot Pokemon who has Sneeze Attack, Snot Attack, and bogey Attack. The costume was easy, green Tshirt, big sister''s green tights, and green facepaint. :-)
C made a giant red R and we pinned it to his shirt so he was on Team Rocket, and then he wore a purple beanie cap as a wig, so he would look like he had purple hair. And the party was great!

We also managed to finally plant out a hanging basket.

And C's potatoes are doing really well, except for the aphids. He is mostly consumed with making plans for his birthday soon. He turns 13 soon, and is just a little bit excited. :-)


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