LA Contact

I have had a letter from Helen Shaw, who I guess is one of the new Learning Strategy Officers from Manchester who will be dealing with Home educators. The tone of the letter was ok, although she did use the word 'visit' and mention wanting to see evidence of the children's work. She said it would be 'lovely' to meet the children, if they were available. I get the feeling they are all trying really hard, and are open to home ed in its many forms, but haven't quite got the language.

Anyway, I was going to have a visit, to grill her on her training, educate her about autonomous ed, but in the end, I couldn't face it. I am just too tired and can't handle having to tidy the living room for somebody from the LA, even though the kids seemed into the idea of meeting her. So I sent a nice email, saying I would send a report, and she sent a nice email back saying fine. I have done the report, and now I just have to actually get to the Post Office. Phew!

I did it in quite an easy way, with lots of photos of the kids doing various activities. It has been loads of fun actually, because it has shown me that in spite of me feeling like I haven't done much with them lately, there is still lots that they have done. I am quite proud of the report, and will see if I can get it posted on here.


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