A Home Ed Outing Review

So my friend texted me about a month ago to inform me that some children's activity centre that I had never heard of was having a Home Educators Day. It is call Imagine That and it is in Liverpool. 

I must admit that I had no real expectations, and the main reason I went was because it was on  a Thursday and I have Thursdays free for outings. We would have pleasant company and the ticket price was reduced for us home ed types. :-)

It turned out to be a GREAT DAY!  The previously mentioned STEM activities came from the organised workshops here this day. The Wee One wanted to do them all. Of course she really wanted to do everything all day. It was just plain fabulous. It is a great place with a water play area, and science fun and arts and crafts and lots of role playing opportunities, to be on telly, to work in a pizzaria, or go shopping, or do hair, or make dinner in the diner, or indeed do as I did and eat dinner in the diner.  :)

I kind of want to go off on a tangent and talk about how our society doesn't value play enough and expects children to act older than they are. (Why are baby dolls marketed for 3 year olds and not 10 year olds any more?) I could go on about lost childhood and adults controlling kids spaces and interfering in kid's play but really I will just say that we had a great time largely because we were with friends and  I didn't have to play and it was fun even if it was the whitest place I have been since I last went to a National Trust property. 

Here is the chef....

And here are friends making a bubble tube to stand in...

Water play....

Air currents...she danced for ages with the floating ball...

Hair do anyone? Topical at home as the Meister is doing a hairdressing apprenticeship!

More water play...

And this was my pride moment. There was a table of  puzzles to solve and I solved this one. It took me 20 - 30 minutes, but I did it with no help. It was harder than it looks!

So basically, I recommend it. :-)


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