And we're BACK!
So term has started. And it doesn't matter how long I have been home educating, September still represents some sort of start to things. Things get kick-started, activities get going again, and I am motivated, for however short a period of time.
Have once again spent hours on the phone and writing emails trying to sort out exams for The Boy (having done it for the older two girls) and getting nowhere. But I don't feel like dwelling on that. My mental health is too fragile to spend so much time worrying about the stupid world we live in. I'll just have to get on with things.
So it is Maths and probably English for The Boy. Physics and others will wait until next year when he will be 16 and can go to adult ed. He is also doing Piano grade 5 (ABRSM) and grade 5 guitar (Rockschool). The Meister is carrying on doing exactly as she pleases, and I have already threatened her with school this week - for complaining that I suggested she practise her handwriting. Oh well.
The two of them went off on the bus to their home ed drama group today, so that I could take the Babe to the story time at the library. That was sort of fun, but also a bit odd, as I have been twice, smiled and sung, and had absolutely nobody say anything to me. I wonder if I am that scary?
And the two of them have their mobile phones sorted out, which means that today at 13:03 I received a text from the Boy asking if he could go into town with a friend, and at 13:04 I received one from the Meister, complaining that The Boy and his friend wouldn't let her go into town with them. I am so glad that we all have the technology available so they can annoy me from a distance.
The best thing that we have arranged so far this term is sewing. Yes, the Meister and I are learning to sew together, as she hates taking instruction from me. So, we are learning something together. We have joined an online course on Martine looks after the Babe on a Thursday, and the Meister and I get out the sewing machine (which desperately needs a service) and the iron and all the paraphernalia, and we get on making things. So far, two cushion covers and denim skirt for a teddy. :-)
Very nice French seams.
Have once again spent hours on the phone and writing emails trying to sort out exams for The Boy (having done it for the older two girls) and getting nowhere. But I don't feel like dwelling on that. My mental health is too fragile to spend so much time worrying about the stupid world we live in. I'll just have to get on with things.
So it is Maths and probably English for The Boy. Physics and others will wait until next year when he will be 16 and can go to adult ed. He is also doing Piano grade 5 (ABRSM) and grade 5 guitar (Rockschool). The Meister is carrying on doing exactly as she pleases, and I have already threatened her with school this week - for complaining that I suggested she practise her handwriting. Oh well.
The two of them went off on the bus to their home ed drama group today, so that I could take the Babe to the story time at the library. That was sort of fun, but also a bit odd, as I have been twice, smiled and sung, and had absolutely nobody say anything to me. I wonder if I am that scary?
And the two of them have their mobile phones sorted out, which means that today at 13:03 I received a text from the Boy asking if he could go into town with a friend, and at 13:04 I received one from the Meister, complaining that The Boy and his friend wouldn't let her go into town with them. I am so glad that we all have the technology available so they can annoy me from a distance.
The best thing that we have arranged so far this term is sewing. Yes, the Meister and I are learning to sew together, as she hates taking instruction from me. So, we are learning something together. We have joined an online course on Martine looks after the Babe on a Thursday, and the Meister and I get out the sewing machine (which desperately needs a service) and the iron and all the paraphernalia, and we get on making things. So far, two cushion covers and denim skirt for a teddy. :-)
Very nice French seams.
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