Strange things are afoot at the Circle K

Ok so not really the Circle K, but definitely in our house.

Firstly I am not going to do book reviews anymore. I am no good at them. We read a lot, so I will just set up a page to list a lot of what we read if people are interested. But mostly I don't do book reviews as well as Martine, and I don't care enough to get better.

Secondly, we seem to be organising our house. This house has been noisy and chaotic and messy and mostly fun for the past 23 and a bit years. But the chaos was turning into crap as the kids moved out and we hadn't really rearranged anything or thought about changing use of former bedrooms. There is only one of the 5 kids still being raised at home, and yet my house is full of enough educational and craft resources to completely home educate all 5 of them all over again from the beginning! And because there was so much stuff we could never actually find the thing we were looking for.

So clearing out and reorganising has started and I have a feeling that it is going to be a lifelong process. I never learned how to organise myself or my house when I was younger. And then I was overrun with children and was pretty content to put them first and ignore the mess and chaos for a while. But either I have changed, or the house crossed a line somewhere and it is time to do something about it.

Close friends who are tidier than me know this is strange.  :)

It leads onto other strange things.

Like now that we have access to lots of the resources that have been under piles of STUFF for ages, the Wee One is asking to do more English and Maths. Yes, asking for workbooks and worksheets.

Most amusingly, she asked,  "Mum, what is English?" 

She does spelling tests for fun.
She asks me to give her long words so she can count syllables.
She reads and is read to.
She writes stories and comics.
She looks for words within words.
She plays word games with us all.

Yet she doesn't know that that is a subject called English. She doesn't know that if she were in school she would be graded and tested on those things and they would cease to be fun things that she wants to do.

It is all very strange!


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