Actually doing things!

I am actually beginning to feel less sick and bit better, so am obviously wearing myself out trying to do everything that I haven't been able to do recently. :-)

I took M to the Portland Basin Museum yesterday. I have known about that place for years and always thought, 'We'll have to go there someday.' Yesterday I finally made it, thanks to another home edder organizing a Victorian School Day there. It was FAB!

There was a woman who dressed up and acted like a school teacher, and the kids all had to line up and have their hands and hair and boots checked. And they had to sit up at attention and write on a slate, etc. M loved it.

Here they are saying their prayers....

And here are M and J, who appears to have had enough of school after 15 minutes! :-)

Then there was lots of dressing up in Victorian clothes...

And playing in the shops that the museum have set up like a Victorian street. Here is the grocer's...

And the pub...

And the chippy...

And a house...

Then there was a lot more dressing up in 1920's style clothes in other parts of the museum. I think M wants me to make her a flapper outfit now. I don't know how long I will be able to convince her that I know everything if she insists I follow through on this demand...

It was a lovely day. And we really enjoyed having time together, which she rarely gets, being the youngest. We even went crazy and had sandwiches in the cafe. :-)

In fact, she loved it so much, that I bought her a slate from the gift shop, and have had to play Victorian School Ma'am ever since. I don't think she has ever done as much writing as she has done on that slate in the past couple of days!

And last night, I had to giver her another lesson, and when I tried to end the game by saying the mill whistle had blown and she had to get to work, she took me at my word and did some carding and spinning. Well, I say spinning... but we were using a drop spindle, and there was a lot of 'Can you reattach this for me?

All in all, a very successful day. I feel worthy of parenthood, for a brief while at least, and I slept well.


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