More Music

I was very happy last week to finally make it to one of the RNCM's free music concerts on Thursday. I had been meaning to go to take The Boy for several months, ever since I found out about them. Of course, all the kids are welcome to go, but I thought he would probably get the most out of it.

Circumstances conspired in my favour last week, and it finally happened. The Changeling was home to babysit since it was the half term holidays for her. The Meister had plans, The Boy was planning to go into town anyway,  friends phoned up to actually remind me that it was on, and one of the peices was of a composer that I really quite like, Steve Reich.

So off we went in the car, and I couldn't find a place to park! Dropped The Boy off at the door, so he could meet up with friends, and then went and parked about 3/4 of a mile away, and walked back. I missed the first piece that was being performed, but made it for the rest of the performance, and got to hear the Steve Reich, which was lovely. It was 8 Lines which you really should go and listen to. Free music in Manchester is wonderful!

Then The Boy went off to play instruments at Hobgoblin and Johnny Roadhouse. I hope I remember to go another time as well.


  1. Dunk said why didn't you mention the Steve Reich to him, he claims he might have gone too, (but even then it was pretty hard to pin him down:-)
    love m


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