
Showing posts from 2011

An odd day...

College days are nearing...

She still isn't speaking...

Oh Dear

Not getting started...

The evolution of Natural history

I knew it would end like this...

And we're BACK!

The times they are a'changin'

Taking a break from blogland.

Roll on summer...

Words, words, words...

Fame has arrived!

A little too much freedon...

Just an idea...

Poop. It is the nicest thing I can think of to say.

Carers and Tots

So Why is Chaos relaxing?

An Amusing related by The Meister

A poem

Good Ole Connexions

How can we be so busy, and yet accomplish so little?

More Music

Worthy stuff!

The importance of playing games...

The view from my chair...

Musings on a rainy Saturday morning...

A trip to the Art Gallery

What I have learned this week.